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What to do with Unwanted Clothes

What to do with Unwanted Clothes

What to do With Unwanted Clothes


With the increased variety of online shopping being such an easy venture, we are all guilty of buying clothes and never wearing them. Or, buying clothes the wrong size and never getting a chance to swap it. And I can guarantee that we all have at least one piece of clothing in our wardrobes that still has the tag on.

Of course, the quickest way of getting rid of anything is to put it in the bin but what are the options that don’t involve feeding the landfill?



Based on the number of adverts on the television, there are a lot of charities out there that need help. But it isn’t just about giving money. In order to help raise funds, a lot of them have shops where they sell second-hand clothes and housewares. Anything that you no longer wear – as long as it can be worn again – is perfectly suitable to be dropped off at any charity shop for them to sell on.

However, if you aren’t sure where any charity shops are locally to you then you can always drop off your bags at a clothing bank. These can usually be found in the car parks of supermarkets, meaning that the job can be done as you go to do your weekly shop. And, if you don’t want to even leave the house, there is also the option of donation bags. These are posted through your letterbox with a pickup date and left in your capable hands. All you have to do is fill it up and pop it outside your house to be collected. And that’s it. Job done.


Clothing Bank



If you’re suddenly feeling sentimental and are a little hesitant to get rid of clothing then it could just be a case of giving it a new lease of life. Similar to the ‘make do and mend’ mantra of the war, upcycling is all about working with what you have to transform an unloved piece into a much-loved treasure.

With this, the only limit is you. Whatever your budget and no matter how artistic you are, there is so much that can be done with an old piece of clothing when you start to think outside the box. Cutting, dying, hemming and re-hemming, adding patches and badges or even just changing the fastenings are all great ways of spicing up that t-shirt from the back of your drawer or that denim jacket you got for Christmas three years ago from your Mum. But, if you just like the pattern or colour, then you can reuse the fabric to make something different entirely, like a cushion cover or placemats to give it a new purpose. 



This is another one for you sentimental folk. If you aren’t planning on wearing some of your clothes ever again but can’t face the prospect of never seeing them then passing them onto friends or family may be the best choice for you.


Hand Me Down Clothes



This can be great if you and your friends or family are looking for a change but don’t want to spend any money. And it means you get something in return. As a great alternative to a party or social gathering, the set up is pretty simple. Everyone attending brings some of their unwanted pieces for the others to look at and, if two of you each have something the other person wants, then a deal is done. Just like that, you have simultaneously cleared your wardrobe of unwanted pieces and got yourself a new item without having to spend a penny.

And there you have it, when it comes to clothes, there is more to life than the landfill. Try out these tips and you will never have to shamefully put your clothes in the black bin again. To start this process, you could buy a designated clothes bin – perhaps like a laundry basket – to help you sort out what needs to go first.

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