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The rind is a terrible thing to waste

The rind is a terrible thing to waste

The Rind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Love food? Prove it.

Despite dads around the world raising disbelieving eyebrows at leftover beef, and mums repeating their mantra that eating greens aids growth and strength, it’s easy to let some food go to waste.

How many times have you taken the milk out of the fridge, only to sniff it, wince, and then pour the remainder down the sink? Do you pick all of the meat off the chicken, or does some get thrown away? And what about the blob of ketchup stuck to the inside of the bottle – does that get spread on a hotdog or washed down the drain?

As important as it is to use kitchen caddies so that food waste can be collected and composted, it’s just as important to keep wastage down to a minimum. There’s a variety of ways to achieve this, all of which can easily be incorporated into your shopping routine and daily culinary activity.

Food Waste

Make a list

Yes, it’s something that your grandma does, but there’s a very good reason behind it. By making a list before you go shopping, you’ll remember everything you need, helping you to spend effectively and reduce the chance of ordering pizza as a result of bare cupboards.

Do you really need it?

Some food packaging does its job so well that you buy things you don’t really need. This often ends in food remaining untouched until the contents are expired. What a waste of money and resources.

Best before dates

First off, check the use-by date before you buy the product, and think about whether you will indeed use it in that time. Once suitably stored, ensure that it's used fully before it goes off. If for any reason this doesn’t happen, apply your judgement: ‘best before’ means exactly that, not ‘edible before’ or ‘poisonous immediately after’.

Is your fridge at the correct temperature?

It’s easy to think of the fridge as generally cool and the freezer as BRRRR! However, keeping the fridge specifically between 1-5°C will result in food lasting as long as possible.


Leftovers are a meal in themselves

Practically all food scraps can be eaten as a snack later on or even combined to create an entirely new meal. If someone doesn’t like the crusts, turn them into breadcrumbs for a fish recipe. Animal bones can be added to soup and broth during preparation to add extra flavour, and fat peeled from sliced meat can be given to the household pooch or kitty as an occasional treat. Got coffee grounds? Scatter them onto your garden or tomato plants to promote growth.

Something left that you can’t eat?

This is where your composting bin comes in. From eggshells to apple cores, it can all be taken by your local council and used to enrich the soil in public gardens, parks and allotments. You can even put cake and chocolate in your composting caddy - but come on, why would you?

Check out our range

Whether it’s for the home, the workplace or anywhere else, our kitchen bins are ideal for segregating food scraps from other materials. Food goes in bellies, waste goes in bins, and compostable material goes on begonias!

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