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How To Recycle

Have You Been Recycling Wrong All Along?

How many times have you stood in the kitchen with packaging in your hand and agonised over whether you can recycle it or not? Hands up who just chucks it in the recycling bin anyway and hopes for the best?

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Hovis and TerraCycle Launch Bread Bag Recycling Scheme

Hovis has joined forces with TerraCycle to launch a bread recycling scheme, only 1 in ten local authorities recycle bread bags so you can see why consumers who want to do the right thing have such a problem.  

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Viridor Launches the UK's First Hard Hat Recycling Scheme

Viridor have launched the first hard hat recycling scheme, the scheme looks set to send the complex plastic construction away from landfill, these will then be transformed into new plastic products which include waste bins.  It has been trialled the scheme and so far they have recycled over 1200 hats thus far.  

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Recycle Your Remembrance Poppies at Sainsburys

Sainsbury's have been supporting the Poppy Appeal for more than 20 years and raised £3.2 million through collections and selling of merchandise last year.  Sainsbury's are the only place you can recycle poppies, they can be broken down and recycled or repurposed into new poppies for the following year.  

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How to Recycle - Carpets

The UK generates 400,000 tonnes of waste carpet every year, but nearly all carpets can be recycled and manufactured into new products, including sports pitches and insulation.  You can recycle carpets by selling it if it is in good condition, donating it or if your really savvy it can be used to help banish weeds from vegetable plots.  

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How To Recycle - Batteries

We use batteries every single day in our lives, whether it be the battery in your car or the batteries in your TV remote, batteries contain hazardous chemicals and harmful metals but still are recyclable.  You would have noticed in your local supermarket somewhere in the shop there is a battery recycling point, as of 2010 any retailers that sell over 32kg of batteries per year have to provide recycling facilities in store.  

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How to Recycle - Mattresses

When your mattress comes to the end of its life, what do you do with it?  Some companies will pick up your old mattress in receipt of a new one, but if they do not offer that service it is a large bulky item to try and dispose of, but mattresses can be recycled either by using a designated company or if it is in good condition charities will accept them.

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How to Recycle - Electronic Waste

UK consumers buy a lot of electronic gadgets and around and with the tenchology moving so fast there is a lot of electronic waste being produced, it is estimated around 2 million tonnes of electronic waste is produced each year in the UK alone and that it is the fastest waste growing waste stream.  

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How To Recycle - Aerosols

If everyone recycled just 1 can of air freshner there would be enough energy saved to power 273,000 Tvs for a year, many people are unaware that recycled aerosol containers can be turned into something useful like mobile phone parts, 8 out of 10 people were unaware. 

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