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Recycling Around the World

Recycling Around the World A-Z : India

Recycling around the world this week looks at India.  India have no formal waste collection service but have many small waste collectors who trade their rubbish for other items.  Citizens of India only generate half a kilo of waste is generated per person but the size of the population of India means waste adds up to huge volumes.  

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Recycling Around the World A-Z : Holland

Holland have a successful recycling scheme in place, only a small fraction of waste is sent to landfill with 64% of waste is recycled.  90% of Dutch people separate their waste and they say that they take measures to help save energy where it is neede, such as turning the tap off whilst brushing their teeth.  But why are they successful?

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Recycling Around the World A-Z: Guatemala

The next installment of our popular recycling series looks at Guatemala, recycling has vastly increased, mainly down to the story of Ecoplast.  Ecoplast is from the owners of a small plastic packaging company which has gone from one recycling machine to a 24/7 job which now employs 35 people on a full time basis.  

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Recycling Around the World A-Z : Finland

More and more emphasis is being placed on recycling packaging around the world, Finland has a record of being able to recycle more than half of its packaging and they can boast that they exceed all of their recycling targets on glass, cartons and metals.  

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Recycling Around the World A-Z : Estonia

Recent recycling statistics have stated that Estonia is one of the best performing countries with it comes to reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill, per person, Estonia only generates around 279kg of waste per person with 40% of that waste being recycled.  

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Recycling Around the World A- Z : Denmark

In Denmark it is illegal to send waste to landfill when it is suitable for incineration, when the waste is incinerated it is used to generate electricity and heat, which makes sense why there is a law in place.  Another country which has a deposit return scheme which prevents 390,000 tonnes of waste ending up in landfill, does this not prove that a scheme works.  

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Recycling Around the World: Canada

We head across the pond to Canada for this weeks Recycling Around the World, like most countries their landfill is almost at capacity and Canadas landfills generate 25% of their methane emmissions.  A recycling scheme that was set up in the 90's allowed Canadians access to recycling facilities and this has gone strength to strength with more and more homes gaining access to these facilities.

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Recycling Around the World: Belgium

Belgium has the highest recycling rate in Europe and it is no fluke.  The country has had a waste decree in place since 1981 which has set targets for reducing the amount of waste in households whether it be through home composting or just general recycling, these were so successful that their original goals were exceeded and more had to be set.  

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Recycling Around the World Australia

Introducing our brand new series of recycling blogs, we are going through an A-Z of countries and seeing how they recycle in that country, starting with A we look at Australia.  We look at how it started and how they have had to change their methods in light of global warming and other influences.  +

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Recycling In The Home Nations - Northern Ireland

Our last visit to the home nations focuses on Northern Ireland and their battle of stopping waste ending up in landfill, a programme launched by the Department of Environment In Northern Ireland called the Rethink Waste Programme to help sectors of society.  

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